Para os amantes de boas garrafas, aqui fica o meu contributo ;)

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Suntory YAMAZAKI aged 18 years Gift Box

3 comentários:

  1. esta peçinha , so' nos e' que temos, e' tao bonitinha...em portugal, somos os unicos a ter este estojo taõ lindinho....

  2. Sim é verdade!
    O estojo é magnifico, de uma qualidade muito boa!
    Brevemente vou adquirir outra igual para abrir e deliciar. ;)

  3. Yamazaki 18 Bottling Note
    An award winning Japanese single malt ,Yamazaki's legendary 18 year old earned a Gold at the 2007 International Spirits Challenge and a Double Gold at the 2005 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

    Yamazaki 18 Tasting Note
    The nose is quite thick and resinous, there is a pleasant oiliness with zesty citrus and peels and a hint of sherry. Plenty of oak and orchard fruits. The palate is of medium-body with green notes and an earthen note, plenty of wood resin and a floral character with zest and sherried peels. The finish is of good length with fruit and zest.

    The Master of Malt
